The property is located on Newbury Retail Park which is situated in Pinchington Lane approximately 1.25 miles south of the town centre. Deichmann, J D Sports, Sports Direct, Home Bargains, Matalan, Cancer Research UK, Hobbycraft, Costa Coffee, Pets At Home, Lidl, TK Maxx, Currys, M&S Food and Boots are also represented on the retail park.
The premises comprise a ground floor unit with a Gross Internal Floor Area (ground floor) of approximately 10,000sq ft (929sq m) and a mezzanine floor of 10,000 sq ft (929 sq m). Detail drawings of the property are available upon request.

A new Full Repairing and Insuring lease for a term of 10 years subject to an upward only rent review at the expiry of the 5th year of the term.
The permitted use of the property is Class E Non Food (Town and County Planning (Use Classes) (Amendments) Regulations 2020).
Upon application.
Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in the transaction.

For viewing by appointment through these offices (ref FR).

78 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6HL
T: +44 (0) 20 7248 0246 | M: 07879 434038
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